Wednesday, August 1, 2007


In learning something new we always try to find the best possible ways to acquire the most knowledge. Unfortunately the fastest way is seldom the best way. Often you have to learn by neglect and denial, i.e find out what doesn't work first. This is particular true for trading.
I've made plenty of detours in trying to learn the right stuff from the right people when in fact I learned the wrong stuff from the wrong people. In my view those experiences are crucial in the learning process and aren't mistakes by any means. That's why I call it the tuition. Once you've made plenty of detours, as I like to call them, you'll have a better feel for what's likely to work and what isn't and you have a better grip on weeding out the useless. This is just part of gaining experience.
Once you're past that point you're ready to learn from the people that stand above you in the respective field. People with a proven track record who have the ability to share their experiences and successes which they acquired through years of hard work and trial and error. This is when it gets interesting.

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